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The DotteSpotter system is a hazardous weather reporting system that may be used by any person residing in the NWS Detroit/Pontiac County Warning Area. ODWA accepts reports from all of the DTX CWA

Working With the

ODWA Staff will accept DotteSpotter registration for any person living in the counties shaded in Blue.
***ALSO... ODWA will accept and use ANY severe weather storm report originating in any of the counties shaded in Blue.
DotteSpotter Procdures:
If you would like to make storm reports to On The Dotte Weather Authority personnel in you area of Wyandotte, here is what we need you to do. Educate yourself with certain conditions that could endanger life or property. Then sign up to be an official DotteSpotter. You'll then recieve a password to be able to make storm reports. Then, If you observe any of the following conditions, click the button at the bottom of the page, fill out the storm report, and submit it, or call the Report Manager of your area.
Conditions that DotteSpotters are to report include:
**Tornadoes, Funnel Clouds, Waterspouts
**Hall 1/2 inch or Larger
Wind Gusts over 40 MPH
Flooding that threatens property or covers roads
Snow Accumulations over 1 Inch and Storm Totals
Rain Amounts 1 Inch or Greater in a 24 Hour Period
Ice: Freezing Rain or Sleet, Accumulations, Serious Travel Impact
Fog: Visibility 1/4 Mile or Less or Impacting Travel
**Any Weather Related Damage
**For these Conditions, please CALL ODWA Administrators IMMEDIATELY using the phone numbers listed below, prior to filling out an online report.
Reporting Procedures:
When you make a report, you may do so by two possible ways (unless specified above).
You may either use the DotteSpotter Online Reporting System, available at the bottom of this page.
Or, if this website is unaccessable at the time of your report (or you are reporting a condition colored in red on the conditions list above), you may call ODWA by phone (using either of the numbers below) to make your storm report.
ODWA Storm Reporting Contact Lines:
(734) 748-6046
(734) 968-0375
*Please Note* If one of the lines is not answered, please try the other line. If neither phone line is being answered, follow these procedures:
If the event you are trying to report is classified as severe, or pose a threat to life or prpoerty, and ODWA Phone lines are busy or unavailable, please CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.
If this specific situation occurs, keep good notes and records of your observation. ODWA or Government officials may need your eyewhitness account of the storm, or its damage for a multitude of pourposes. Make an online DotteSpotter report via the link at the bottom of this page whence the scene has changed its focus from public safety, to scientific storm data collection. An ODWA official will make a follow up phone call as soon as possible (no later than 48 hours), so be ready for further questions.
If the event you are trying to report is NOT classified as severe, or would be seen as a minor inconvienience, and the focus of the scene of the event has switched from public safety, to scientific storm data collection, a message may be left with either line phone line.
If this situation arises, and you have already left a message with either phone line, keep record details of the storm you were going to report, and then try to record the event using the online DotteSpotter reporting system located at the bottom of this page to accurately record the event you whitnessed. An ODWA official will make a follow up phone call as soon as possible (no later than 48 hours), so be ready for further questions.
Registered DotteSpotters Only
(NOT compatable with SOME mobile devices)